How to Get Your Colors

Last up date 01/01/2011

Brotherhood Colors How to Get Them

A lot of you have been asking about getting Brotherhood colors. The following is a little history and how to get them.

Colors were not available for over 14 years. The guy who original hand sewed them retired. Big Willie could not find anyone to get these done. Fabian found a studio outlet that could make exact replicas of the hand sewn colors but they would cost over $500 to make the emblems. This was unacceptable to Big Willie.

Fabian found a few places that could make them on a CNC machines but they had a very machined production look to them and this was also unacceptable to Big Willie.

Our brothers in the MC division had found someone that could get them done by hand and were acceptable to Big Willie and Fabian oversees the orders.

It takes a while to get them done so order early.

Prices are subject to change.

Dickies Jackets you can remove the sleeves yourself=$40

When purchasing a Jacket or Vest along with the Emblems the sewing is included.

Shipping @ $5

You will want to contact Fabian to place an order.
You can either e-mail him by clicking on this link !

or contact him on our network  by clicking this link!


Well there ya have it, take care,


tha Moldy one







Webmaster Moldy Marvin
Copyright 2006/2007/2008/2009/2010/2011
@utomated Entertainment  Littlerock CA 93543

 Littlerock, CA